Our experts are active in several training courses, in teaching roles, scientific management, research and development of training materials.
Our areas of specialization in the field of education are as follows :
Our experts are active in several training courses, in teaching roles, scientific management, research and development of training materials.
Our areas of specialization in the field of education are as follows :
CRelying on twenty years of experience in dozens of approved projects, written and managed in-house, we offer diversified and customized courses based on the different type of students. The topics include: project design, project management, advisoring on direct and indirect European funds, presentation of various funding programmes, document analysis, financial management and reporting. We focus on a very practical approach and numerous exercises tailored to the individual needs of the student or client.
We promote entrepreneurship education at all levels, from school to univ4ersity, from initial vocational training to professional training. With entrepreneurship education we do not mean only the ability to create and run a business, rather acquisition and empowerement of the typical soft skills of a successful entrepreneur: risk-taking, creativity, innovation, leadership, negotiation, public speaking, time management. Everyone should possess these skills, independently from the individual professional career or study path.
Our experts in the fields of corporate and fiscal management teach in various high-level master training courses to improve the competitiveness and professionalism of Italian companies as for taxation, legal and financial management.
We have developed a line of expertise in the field of sustainable development and promotion of an efficient use of resources such as water, food and energy. In this regard, we have designed and implemented several projects addressed on ona hand to the productive sectors with high energy consumption models, on the other hand to citizens, through capacity-building initiatives aimed to make our society more responsible and resilient to change.
We work steadily, as teachers and organizers of training courses, with: