FINMAN is a two-year project co-funded by the European Commission with the Erasmus plus programme KA2. The project aims to reach people with low financial skills, among which low-income individuals, women, young people and less educated, older adults, NEETS and other disadvantaged groups The project will produce tailored training content on the most relevant topics […]
INQUAL – Imprinting Quality to Entrepreneurship Education
Over the last few decades, the idea of infusing entrepreneurship into education has spurred great enthusiasm among VET providers: developing the entrepreneurial skills of their students has proven to result in a myriad of positive effects ranging from economic growth and job creation all the way to individual growth, increased school engagement and improved […]
DIFME: Digital Internationalisation and Financial Literacy Skills for micro entrepreneurs
The November 2017 EU report ‘SME Performance Review’ outlines that newly founded entities ‘created by self-employed have survival rates typically between 30-60 % after the first five years. This is a worrying factor as it clearly underlines that there is a high probability of failure for new entrepreneurs within the first five years. In 2016, […]
EnterMode project aims to stimulate entrepreneurial skills of higher education teaching staff and company staff and develop the entrepreneurial mind-set and related skills of higher education students. It mainly wants to raise awareness on the importance of internships for higher education students in general and for building entrepreneurial skills and also to develop HEIs – […]
DESIRE: Digital Education for Social Innovation Reframed Entrepreneurship
DESIRE is a 30- months long project aiming at enhancing skills of students (12 to 15 years old) in entrepreneurial filed, in the particular sense of initiative and social entrepreneurship, to make them future responsible social entrepreneurs. This means to teach them how to use their capacities and innovative thinking in order to face social […]
FACET – Furniture sector Avant-garde Creativity and Entrepreneurship Training
Although EU furniture manufacturers have a good reputation worldwide regarding design, only a few companies are trendsetters while most of the companies, especially SMEs, are followers. In the highly- competitive context that furniture companies are facing, they need to be more creative and entrepreneur, meaning not only starting new businesses but being able to commercialize […]
REcovery the CRisis through Entrepreneurial ATtitudE – RECREATE aims to foster, in line with the provisions of the Modernisation Agenda for higher education, the acquisition of transversal and entrepreneurial attitude among young researchers, young graduates, students and university staff, in order to contribute to the recovery from the current economic crisis. Furthermore, RECREATE aims to […]
APP.Mod.E. : Apprenticeship Model for developing Entrepreneurial skills
Competitiveness of European economy requires citizens and particularly young people to be innovative, creative, flexible and courageous to face challenges in a dynamic and volatile economy. In one word, young people need to become ‘entrepreneurs’. Different forms of work-based learning have been implemented in Europe; however, apprenticeships are focused on the specific vocational skills, required […]
VIP@Work seeks to build the capacity of business support organisations to develop support structures which will facilitate SMEs to become internship employers. Business support organisations are the ones in contact with these companies on a daily basis and form the ideal bridge to connect to the vocational education sector regarding internships. As a result of […]
Shoes Made in EU
The project objective is to foster FOOTWEAR VET sector and equip young people with the right skills and competences accountable at EU level following the EU Quality Framework and European Credit VET system (ECVET). The aim is to develop a new curriculum of the “SHOEMAKER” at the level of the engineering and manufacturing process, starting […]
The project aims to improve competences and skills in the rural tourism sector, in particular for the hospitality and services industry, by developing the contents related to the Experiential tourism approach. Experiential tourism is a current tourism trend well recognized at the level of touristic services, tour operator or incoming agancies while is not well […]
Hillary wants to inspire and support female students of humanities and arts, educational and social science who face serious difficulties in the transition from university to work to develop an entrepreneurial mind-set and attitude. Indeed the project aims at proving them the right business skills and raise awareness about social entrepreneurship and self-employment as potential […]
The B-CAPP project concerns a complete training program for financial planning/management of start-ups complemented by smart use of ICT for reduction of operating costs and cross border business activity leading to increase in competitiveness. There were too may initiatives in the past for starting companies (between 2008 and 2013, the average time for starting a […]
ST BANK is a project aimed at promoting entrepreneurial education in secondary schools in order to increase school engagement especially in those areas which show a high percentage of ethnic minorities and foreign-born residents that have a higher tendency to leave prematurely education. Therefore, the objective is to empower teachers with the innovative learning contents […]
BOSS4SMEs is a project which aims to bring a valuable contribution to the European furniture sector through development of the Online Sales Manager profile, a professional capable of devising e-Commerce strategies for increasing revenues from cross-border sales through utilisation of the Internet as a sales channel. The project targets SMEs from furniture and household sector […]
EXPERTOUR – Integrated knowledge toward experiential tourism
The project aims to improve competences and skills in the rural tourism sector, in particular for the hospitality and services industry, by developing the contents related to Experiential tourism approach. On the basis of this situation the project aims to foster professionals in the hospitality& services sector, competences and improve training possibilities in the field […]
INVEST – Financial and forecasting models for entrepreneurs
The project ‘INVEST Financial & Forecasting models for Entrepreneurs’ aims to develop a training model and tools to support micro- entrepreneurs, especially those pertaining to generation Y (those aged 18-34), to make responsible economic, financial and investment choices, not only for business but also personal finance.Ultimately, the project seeks to boost the financial literacy in […]
Report – ASAP
Report-ASAP addresses the promotion of open and innovative practices in a digital era through the development of learning material and tools, accompanied by actions supporting the effective use of ICT in Education and Training. The Intellectual Outputs of the project and the methodology for delivering these outputs and ensuring their take-up and sustainability are promoting […]
Education/Employment Partnership for VET in the fashion sector – E&E Fashion
The project aims at developing a European teaching and training Toolkit for practically supporting the implementation of work based learning in all stages of VET. Moreover, the project will support the implementation of quality assurance mechanisms for WBL in VET in the fashion sector with a specific focus on feedback loops between iVET and cVET […]
ESII – European Expert in Social Innovation Incubation
European Expert in Social Innovation Incubation – ESII is a two year European project, made possible through an Erasmus + grant awarded by the National Office in Italy. Specific aim of the project is to spread and promote in Europe a new professional curriculum, namely the European Expert in Social Innovation incubation (ESII). Social innovation […]
SILVER WORKERS, made possible through an Erasmus + grant awarded by the National Office in Italy. The project objective is to foster FOOTWEAR VET sector and equip young people with the right skills and competences accountable at EU level following the EU Quality Framework and European Credit VET system (ECVET).
Project IPEC is a two year European project, made possible through an Erasmus + grant awarded by the National Office in Ireland. The project aims to contribute to improving the performance of micro and small enterprises at both a national and European level. Partners will bring together two different bodies of knowledge (i.e. Project Management […]
CORRIE – Community of responsible Recreational Initiatives in Europe
Community of Responsible Recreational Initiatives in Europe – CORRIE is a two year European project, made possible through an Erasmus + grant awarded by the National Office in Bulgaria. The project aims to foster the understanding about the business opportunities it brings and how to capitalize on it individually or as a group of small […]
U-COACH – Executive Coaching for SMEs
(agreement nr. ES/09/LLPLdV/TOI/149037) Transnational project implemented in cooperation with 8 partners from 8 European countries aimed at creating training contents and operational tools for the introduction and development of coaching as a tool for performance improvement in European SMEs. More information at Download the first newsletter Download the second newsletter here
POWER – People in Work Empowerment
(agreement nr. 2010-4019/001-001) Transnational project in cooperation with 8 partners from 7 European countries aimed at creating training contents and operational tools for business owners and managers to exploit the talents and the improvement of staff motivation in European touristic SME’s. The newpaper “Il Denaro” published an article about POWER project, read it here. Visit […]
MEKUS – Programma Leonardo Da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation
(agreement nr. ES/08/LLP-LdV- TOI149016) Transnational project in cooperation with 7 partners from different European countries aimed at creating training contents and operational tools for environmental protection in the agro-industrial companies.
Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation. The project aims to contribute to an increase in SMEs competitiveness in the international scene through use of innovative technologies such as e-learning to train SMEs staff in foreign trading with a European perspective, combining relative strength brought by each partner country organization. Take part in the survey here. […]
MARLO – Marketing of local and Organic Food Products
Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of innovation: The MARLO project aims to improve the competitiveness of rural SMEs by introducing a Methodological Training Tool in Marketing of local and Organic Food Products, and to encourage sustainable development of rural areas. Visit the website at Download the newsletters here Follow the project on Facebook