- On 16/07/2018
The furniture sector is one of the most competitive sectors of the wester economy, especially for those enterprises that are able to innovate and to catch new opportunities in the market. The market profit in 2017 was around 425 billion dollars. The countries import the most are: USA, Germany, United Kingdom and France. While, the first country that exports furniture worldwide is China, and the third one is Italy.
The forecast of the market express very interesting numbers for 2018, indeed the export should increase of 4% with a consumption growth of 3.5%. E-commerce is the instrument that can support the SMEs in expanding their market in Europe and worldwide[1].
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[1] Trend 2018 per l’arredamento: crescono esportazione e omnicanalità, Virginia Dara, Giugno 2018, https://www.insidemarketing.it/trend-2018-arredamento-mercato-italiano/