- On 07/10/2021
The C.H.A.N.G.E.R.S. project (Exchanging good practices to Change Household Attitudes for a Non-wasteful, Green environment and Energy-consciousness addressing Rural Seniors) has completed the first Joint Staff Training event planned in the project and undertaken by Projects in Motion Ltd. The event was held online on 28th, 30th and 31st August 2021, bringing together eleven attendees from the partner countries.
The goal of the first joint staff trainings was to develop the competences of the adult educators participating in the project specifically on the topic of energy poverty in households. The 3-day workshop provided attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the driving forces of energy poverty and increase knowledge of how to approach and engage with this vulnerable cohort, energy efficiency, interpreting bills and smart meters, and the support services available to fuel poor households.
The overall objective of the C.H.A.N.G.E.R.S. project is to exchange best-practice examples on adult education through four short-term joint staff trainings covering three main topics, namely: energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and sustainability in households. The project is coordinated by CAM Consulting (Hungary), along with the partners’ projects in Motion Limited (Malta), EUROCREA Merchant SRL (Italy), Business Support Centre Kranj (Slovenia).
More information can be accessed on the project website or our social media channels.