EE FASHION. What’s EQAVET and why it important?
- On 03/07/2018
EQAVET is the European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training and it is necessary to provide quality assurance in European VET systems.
By the end of the year two important events have been organized to support a culture of quality assurance throughout the EU, in particular:
- The EQAVET Forum 2018 will take place in Vienna on 6-7 November during the Vocational Skills Week which will take place in Austria during its presidency of the Council of the European Union[1];
- EQAVET Peer Learning Activity on involving teacher and trainers in the QA processes will take in Prague on 9-10 October 2018. Further information will be available in the comming days[2].
Eurocrea Merchant works with other partners in Europe on the project E&E Fashion Education – Employment Partnership for VET in the fashion sector, to know more about the project visit the project coordinator webpage at The project aims at developing a European teaching and training toolkit for practically supporting the implementation of work-based learning (WBL) in all stages of vocational education and training (VET). Moreover, it will support the implementation of Quality Assurance mechanisms for WBL in VET in the fashion sector with a specific focus on feedback loops between initial VET (iVET) and continuous VET (cVET) systems.