Being an entrepreneur: having bright ideas but not only
- On 21/07/2020
We live in a time in which everything is changing quickly. It can make things complicated for a young entrepreneur who recently launches its business on the market. Being an entrepreneur doesn’t only require to have bright ideas. An entrepreneur has to know how to manage an all business:
- its team,
- the commercial and financial aspects of the market,
- the marketing and communication sectors that often tend to change
- the technologies on which the service will be available
- the branding / visual identity of the enterprise to visibility be sure that the consumer perceives correctly the value, ideas of the company,
- to follow the last trends (visuals, social media, laws) and more
- in which country implement its business and how
However, we all know that only one person cannot lead at a perfect level all those aspects of a business. This is why a good team but mostly to inform itself on how managing a business and the challenges that it can face is crucial before its launch.
The European project DIFME is submitting articles addressed to entrepreneurs to help them confront challenges they might encounter for their business, in line with DIFME objectives. DIFME: Digital Internationalisation and Financial Skills for micro-entrepreneurs is a European project, that aims to provide to start-ups and its managers the information they need in the financial literacy and digital skills sectors. In this sense, DIFME partners are developing an SME hub and a toolkit, soon available on http://www.difme.eu.
You are an entrepreneur or thinking about becoming one and need a help? Have a look at one of our last article “Becoming a young entrepreneur in Europe” to have some tips on how to enforce your business, to discover initiatives by the European Commission to implement your company in Europe.