Project Description
SkillsMatch aims at developing a matching tool between digital competences gaps of adult educators and e-learning offer.
Adult education has gained a lot of attention in the last years, due to its massive increase across the EU Member States. Education of adult citizens is contributing to tackling many of Europe’s most pressing challenges, such as automation and digitalisation and the inclusion of the most in need, such as migrants and refugees, disabled people or socially isolated persons, among many others. Educators, teachers and trainers of adult learners should therefore possess a set of skills and competences adequated to the digital era. Using the EU Commission‘s European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu), the project offers an online/mobile application that proposes suitable e-learning courses after having identified digital competence gaps. In such way, it contributes to relieving the concern on the relevance and the quality of the training offer for adult learners, by boosting and upscaling the skills of adult educators.
SkillsMatch will also favour the increase in the demand for e-learning courses, certificates and qualifications in the field of digital skills for adult educators. The relevance and quality of e-learning courses on digital skills will also be boosted by this project, the professional development of adult educators and the enhancement of LifeLong Learning will as well as be favoured and general awareness on the importance of digital skills development.
Partners are expert in vocational education, digital skills, digital modelling and learning methodologies as well as software development and e-learning tools. They are coordinated by Middlesex University (UK) and cover different EU countries such as Greece (IDEC), Cyprus (Emphasys Centre), Spain (Pontydysgu), Germany (P & W PROJECT), Italy (Eurocrea Merchant) and United Kingdom (Oracle Tes).
Their collaborative work and close cooperation will allow the realisation of three Intellectual Outputs:
- IO1: Online/mobile matching tool. The online/mobile matching tool will match the identified digital competences gaps with the e-learning offer.
- IO2: Guide for course providers. The guide will help the e-learning course providers to understand the specific needs of the target group and to develop courses more adherent to the needs of the adult educators.
- IO3: Learning Nuggets, micro e-learning units regarding the soft skills identified by the European Framework for Digital Competences of Adult Educators (DigiComEdu).
SkillsMatch is an ambitious project which will contribute to the increasing and upscaling of the quality and level of adult education offer and in raising the awareness of all in terms of digitalisation and needed skills.
To follow the steps of the project, stay tuned on our website and social media channels!