The latest from some of our ongoing projects: read more!
- On 30/03/2018
BOSS4SME will develop the European Furniture and household Sector through development of the Online Sales Manager profile, a professional capable of devising e-Commerce strategies for increasing revenues from cross-border sales through utilisation of the Internet as a sales channel.
Visit our website for more information: http://boss4sme.com/ in Italian, Polish, Spanish and Greek. The official website is in English.
We are entering in the last phase of the CORRIE project.
CORRIE has created new innovative approaches to address competitiveness and unemployment, in particular at regional and local levels which will result in a reduction of rural depopulation. It also aims to build high value/low volume (responsible) rather than high volume/low value (mass) tourism.
Have a look at our latest newsletter and visit the website: http://corrie.eu/
EE Fashion is a project aimed at developing a European teaching and training Toolkit for practically supporting the implementation of work based learning in all stages of VET in the Fashion field.
Soon the toolkit will be available online to support teachers in VET to apply quality WBL experience.
For more information regarding the results of the project, please visit the project website: http://colegiulstefanescu.ro/eefashion/index.htm.
HILLARY wants to inspire and support female students close to graduation attending universities in humanities and arts, educational and social science who face difficulties in the transition from university to work to develop an entrepreneurial mind-set and attitude. The project goal is to integrate an entrepreneurial education model to foster the employability of these students.
HILLARY is now available in Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Lithuanian, Dutch and English:
ST BANK – Student Talent Bank is a project aimed at decreasing the European School Drop outs thanks to entrepreneurial education. In order to do so, School Talent Bank enriches school teachers with entrepreneurial competences, as well as creating an online platform, “The School Talent Time Bank”. The web will work as a motivation and take action tool designed to support teachers to manage school drop-outs.
Contribute with your opinion regarding entrepreneurial education at http://observal.es/stbank/index.php/286755?lang=it. You can click your say participating into the survey till the end of April 2018.
For more information about the project:
VIP@Work addresses the Erasmus+ KA2, SP call 2017 Field Specific Priority in VET ‘Developing VET business partnerships. VIP@Work handles an innovative approach to strengthening the VET-business partnerships by focusing on increasing the role of the intermediary bodies as connecting entity between the educational institution and the regional business rather than directly aiming at VET colleges or businesses.
More information about the project will be available soon on the project website.
The Women Power Code project aims to educate adult women (over 40) to understand and learn code writing to improve their everyday life through the use of the Internet of Things.
See our latest news on our devoted website https://womenpowercode.eu/news/women-power-code-summary
More info in the Facebook Business Page https://www.facebook.com/WOMEN-POWER-CODE-1737258186306036/