Water footprint awareness
- On 12/11/2019
We use water every single day, differently, and for a different purpose and a different volume of it.
Are you aware of the amount of “fresh water” you use per month? To cook and drink, to wash your clothes and the dishes, to clean your house and your car? The quantity of water we use is called the water footprint.
The European project AquaPath aimed at raising the awareness of children and adults about their water footprint, and water sustainability.
This initiative helps you to know what is your water footprint, and to learn how to have better management of water consumption to become a responsible consumer. To do so, you can calculate your water footprint on http://aquapath-project.eu/calculator/calculator.html and follow the online learning modules.
On the 13th of November, Eurocrea Merchant project managers are going to meet young students in their school to explain the water cycle system and raise their awareness of water consumption and water footprint. This meeting will be important to boost their knowledge on which solutions they use to preserve water and introduce the AquaPath project!! Stay connected on the Eurocrea Merchant Facebook page to know more about this meeting!!
Water is important, crucial to Earth, humans, and animals: its a resource for all, that is why it is highly necessary to increase the impact of our water footprint.